Micheal Dawson--Technical Innovation and Staged Exploration: Critical Aspects for Successful Shale G

[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2011-05-29  来源:全球石油化工网  关注度:0]
摘要: Micheal Dawson----加拿大非常规天然气协会主席   1.Summary of the Canadian Experience   2.Creation of and Implementat...

Micheal Dawson----加拿大非常规天然气协会主席

Micheal Dawson----加拿大非常规天然气协会主席

  1.Summary of the Canadian Experience
  2.Creation of and Implementation of an Exploration Strategy
  3.Staged Exploration – The Requirement for Data Gathering
  4.Strategies for Resource Development Optimization
  5.Examples of Implementation and Success

关键字: Micheal 非常规天然气 
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